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How to feed a dog and how much should dogs eat?

Who doesn’t love to have a pet? When we think about a pet, the first thing comes to our mind is a cute little adorable puppy. A dog is more than just a pet, it is more like a friend for companionship. You are definitely lucky if you own a dog like this. But have you ever paid a real attention to his feeding? No? Wait, you need to be careful in this case. Feeding a dog is one of the most important parts of maintaining a dog healthy. Let us show you a fair way of how to feed a dog.


There are several things to consider before you choose the best way of feeding your dog such as the age and size of your dog, the type of foods like acana food. To make your job easy, we made a category of three such as the Puppies, the Adults, and the Seniors.

Proper Meals for a Puppy

Generally, a puppy needs 5 small meals a day. The number of meals might seem excessive but actually this the best way. Since the growing age, a puppy needs more nutritious foods than the other stage of his lifetime. Also, puppies tend to participate a different kind of activities which cause them need more foods. However, at the age of 6, you can reduce the number of meals to 3 times a day. Remember, you can feed your puppy both the wet and dry food.

Proper Meals for an Adult Dog

When your dog is one year old you can consider him as an adult. An adult dog needs 2 fine meals a day, no more or less. But some people claim that they feed their adult dogs even 3 times a day. There is a huge side effect of feeding an adult dog more than twice a day. Yes, gaining weights. More feeding can cause the dog a serious weight gaining problem. So, you better give your dog 2 meals a day; early morning and early evening. That’s perfect.

Proper Meals for a Senior Dog

Since a senior dog is less active in activities in comparison with the other stages of his life, he requires fewer meals a day. The number of the meals can be the same, twice a day, but the amount of foods not. That means you can still give your dog 2 meals a day but you need to reduce the amount of foods. A senior dog spends, more or less, 18 hours sleeping a day. That’s huge, don’t you think so? Remember, the less activity, the less food; that is the way of feeding a dog.


Feeding a dog varies from people to people. But we tried to give you a proper schedule of feeding a dog from Puppies to the Senior. As we have already mentioned the phrase “proper way”, the schedule is followed worldwide.  Stick to the schedule, keep a close eye on your dog, observe his activity and growth, have the best companionship. Hope you don’t need to worry about how to feed a dog anymore.